Top 10 Best Scents That Will Drive Bed Bugs Away

What You Need to Know About Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are one of the most annoying pests you can encounter in your home. These tiny insects feed on human blood, usually while you sleep.

They leave behind itchy bites that can cause discomfort and irritation. Thankfully, there are ways to protect your home and yourself without resorting to harsh chemicals.

One effective and natural way to repel bed bugs is by using certain scents. Bed bugs hate strong, natural aromas, and these can help keep them at bay. In this article, we’ll explore the best scents to use and how to apply them to your living spaces.

Scents To Drive Bed Bugs Away

Why Bed Bugs Dislike Certain Scents

Bed bugs rely heavily on their sense of smell to navigate and find hosts. Strong scents can overwhelm their sensory system, making it difficult for them to detect human presence.

Some essential oils and natural scents contain compounds that bed bugs find intolerable, driving them away from the area. By using these natural repellents, you can make your home less appealing to bed bugs while avoiding toxic chemicals.

Top 10 Best Scents That Will Drive Bed Bugs Away


Lavender is one of the most well-known and pleasant-smelling essential oils, but did you know that bed bugs hate it? The strong scent of lavender overwhelms bedbugs’ senses, making it hard for them to navigate.

Lavender oil can be applied to bedding, furniture, and other infested areas. You can also place lavender sachets under your mattress or pillows to repel bed bugs.

Shop for Lavender Oil

Shop for Lavender Sachets

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has powerful antimicrobial properties, which makes it a great natural repellent for pests like bed bugs. Its strong scent disrupts their nervous system and prevents them from finding a place to hide.

To use tea tree oil, mix a few drops with water. Spray the solution on your bed frame, mattress, and other places where bed bugs may hide.

Shop for Tea Tree Oil


Peppermint has a sharp, cooling scent that is refreshing to humans but unbearable to bed bugs. The menthol in peppermint acts as a natural insecticide, making it a great addition to your bed bug-fighting arsenal.

You can use peppermint essential oil in a diffuser. Alternatively, make a spray by mixing the oil with water. Apply this mixture around your home.

Shop for Peppermint Essential Oil


Eucalyptus oil is another potent scent that bed bugs cannot stand. The pungent aroma overwhelms their senses and makes it difficult for them to survive in your space.

Apply eucalyptus oil directly to infested areas. You can also use it in a diffuser to keep bed bugs at bay. It’s also a great oil to use in combination with others like lavender and tea tree oil.

Shop for Eucalyptus Oil


Cinnamon has a warm, spicy scent that humans enjoy, but bed bugs find it highly repellent. Sprinkle ground cinnamon where bed bugs are likely to hide.

Common hiding spots include behind headboards or along baseboards. You can also use cinnamon essential oil in a diffuser or spray solution to keep these pests away.

Shop for Ground Cinnamon

Shop for Cinnamon Essential Oil


Clove oil has a strong, spicy aroma. This is due to its high concentration of eugenol. Eugenol is toxic to insects, including bed bugs.

You can mix a few drops of clove oil with water and spray it on infested areas. Alternatively, place cotton balls soaked in clove oil around your home. This method repels bed bugs effectively.

Shop for Clove Oil


Lemongrass is well-known for its fresh, citrusy scent, and it’s one of the best natural repellents for bed bugs. The citral and geraniol in lemongrass disrupt bed bugs’ ability to function and drive them away from the area. You can use lemongrass essential oil in a spray or diffuser to protect your home from bed bugs.

Shop for Lemongrass Essential Oil


Thyme has a sharp, herbal scent that is effective at repelling bed bugs. You can use thyme essential oil. Alternatively, use dried thyme leaves to create a protective barrier around areas where bedbugs are likely to hide. Place thyme sachets under your bed, or mix the oil with water and spray it on infested furniture and bedding.

Shop for Thyme Essential Oil

Shop for Dried Thyme Leaves


Cedarwood has long been used to protect against pests, and bed bugs are no exception. The strong, woody aroma of cedarwood interferes with bed bugs’ ability to find a host.

You can use cedarwood oil or cedar chips around your home to repel these pests. It’s especially effective when placed in closets, drawers, and other areas where the bugs might hide.

Shop for Cedarwood Oil

Shop for Cedar Chips


Rosemary is another herb with a powerful scent that can drive bed bugs away. You can use rosemary essential oil in a diffuser or mix it with water to create a spray.

You can also sprinkle dried rosemary leaves in areas where bed bugs may hide. Focus on cracks, crevices, and areas around your bed.

Shop for Rosemary Essential Oil

Shop for Dried Rosemary Leaves

How to Use These Scents Effectively Against Bed Bugs

Using these natural scents is a great way to repel bed bugs. However, you must know how to apply them effectively.

Here are a few tips to ensure you get the best results:

  • DIY Essential Oil Spray: Mix 10-15 drops of your preferred essential oil with water in a spray bottle. Shake well and apply to bed frames, mattresses, furniture, and baseboards where bed bugs may hide.
  • Diffusers: Essential oil diffusers can help disperse the scent throughout the room. This will help repel bed bugs from larger areas, such as bedrooms or living rooms.
  • Sachets and cotton balls: Soak cotton balls in essential oils. Place them in areas where bed bugs might hide. These areas include under the mattress or along baseboards. You can also use dried herbs like lavender, thyme, or rosemary in sachets.

Additional Natural Methods to Prevent Bed Bugs

While using scents is an effective way to repel bed bugs, combining them with other natural methods can provide even better protection:

  • Diatomaceous Earth: This natural powder dehydrates bed bugs and kills them when they come into contact with it. Sprinkle it around infested areas.
  • Regular Cleaning: Vacuuming regularly, washing bedding in hot water, and decluttering can help prevent bed bugs from taking hold.
  • Bed Bug-Proof Mattress Covers: These covers trap bed bugs inside and prevent new ones from getting into your mattress. This is an excellent way to reduce infestations.

Shop for Diatomaceous Earth

Bed Bug-Proof Mattress Covers

In conclusion, bed bugs can be a major nuisance. However, using natural scents like lavender, tea tree, and peppermint can help keep them at bay.

These scents overwhelm bedbugs’ senses and make your home less inviting for them. Apply these oils and scents around your home.

Combine them with other natural methods. You can effectively prevent and repel bed bugs without resorting to harsh chemicals. Choose your favorite scent and start protecting your home today!

Shop for Essential oil diffusers

Additional Reading:

Bed Bug Bites & Infestation: What You Need To Know

Bed Bug Facts And Myths You Never Knew About

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